
As the military rule of Myanmar stretches, the son of the dismissed former leader Aun San Sui pleads about his freedom

As the military rule of Myanmar stretches, the son of the dismissed former leader Aun San Sui pleads about his freedom

It was a year since the son rejected the former Leader Myanmar Aun San Suu Ki, received a handwritten letter from his mother, the only contact he had with her since her delay.

“She couldn’t say much in this letter because we know that our letters will be read and censored,” Kim Aris said on Friday (January 31), Four years after a military coup This plunged the country into chaos.

“But I know that the conditions in which it was kept, she felt the cold and felt the heat, and she had constant health problems.”

Since then, Aris, which has lived in London, has made numerous attempts to restore contact with the ancient icon of democracy and Nobel laureate.

“I sent letters and care packages. I asked me to be allowed to see her personally as her human rights. And after all these attempts, I did not receive any answer, ”he added.

“I was not forced to believe that I would get more correspondence from her. I had no answer from the military to any of my requests. “