
Kansas joins efforts to stop counting non -targets in the census but communities are afraid of harm

Kansas joins efforts to stop counting non -targets in the census but communities are afraid of harm

Kansas joins efforts to stop counting non -targets in the census but communities are afraid of harm
The Prosecutor General of Kansas Chris Kobach joined the lawsuit to stop counting nectiiza for the census. Ellis Scott Sheriff Brown is in an extreme right place. Photo blaise mesa/ he’s a lighthouse

By Blaise Mesa

The Prosecutor General Kansasa Chris Kobach wants to stop counting the non -census of the US.

The counting of unauthorized immigrants harms states as Kansas, claims claim that Kobach joined. States such as Texas and California have a larger population that is not well established. If it is considered, this means that Texas and California receive more votes of the election college, more representation in Congress and a larger piece of federal programs.

The calculation of unauthorized immigrants breaks resources and federal representation from states with a smaller population of immigrants, according to a claim that was filed with Louisiana, Ohio and Western Virginia.

“It is a national embarrassment that the most powerful country in the world does not know how many citizens it has and is not known for decades,” Kobach said in a press release.

Opponents are opposed that the separation of resources without taking into account the non -contacts is dangerous.

Pew Research According to estimates, in 2022 there were about 11 million unauthorized immigrants. Even this amount is probably an underestimation through a wave of immigration in 2022-2023. Although necitosis do not vote and have no right to federal programs of social services, they still use resources in the community.

Oude Negrete, the executive director of the Latin American community network, stated that population estimates are used by developers to see where to build new homes. Cities use it to see if they have enough firefighters.

“You can potentially have fewer firefighters,” she said. “If the house burns, the neighbor’s house will also burn.”

The Negrit, who worked on the full counting committee in Kansas, crossed the state to be aware of the 2020 census. She said that people did not understand how much the census affects their daily life.

In Garden City Censes of 2010 and 2020, they were probably undervalued, said Matt Allen City manager. The garden -City filed a lawsuit in 2010 because the census missed large parts of the population. The city tried to get a more accurate calculation in 2020, but Allen said he still believed that several thousand people were missed.

“There is a monetary loss,” he said.

Although accurate accounting of lost resources exists, there are pools of money that use census data. The COVID-19 assistance funds are provided in this way, and the garden would receive more money if the population was higher.

The lawsuit calls the Census and the US Ministry of Commerce as a defendant.

The lawsuit states that Ohio and Western Virginia lost their place in congress and college. Kansas and Louisiana will lose it in 2030 if current forecasts pass.

“After not providing the border, the federal government redistributed the democratic representation of the state of Ohioana in the sanctuary, like California, with a larger illegal foreign and non -migrant alien population.” Ohio Dave Prosecutor General Yoast told The Capital Journal Ohio. “I fight for the voices of the Oyanians and the rule of law.”

The nonsivians are calculated in the US census, since the constitution requires the calculation of all in every state. Someone’s residence is just a place where they live and sleep most of the time. Here’s how immigrants can cross the border and count.

These immigrants are not entitled to federal programs such as food stamps or Medicaid, but 353 programs were divided into $ 2.8 trillion in 2021 based on census data.

The lawsuit said it is not fair that California and Texas have received more federal money because of the population that cannot even use the programs. This is one of the reasons that the lawsuit has stated that it is unconstitutionally used to use non -cytosis to separate these social services programs.

“Federal funding for public benefits is not intended for legislative unusable foreigners,” the claim said.

There were rumors to the 2020 census that families in mixed households – those who have a citizen and non -ferrous residents – should not respond to counting, as it may harm them. Negret worked hard to dispel these rumors to provide the most accurate calculation.

Now there are lawsuits to cancel everything she did. She is experiencing.

Before the 2020 census, it felt all in the same team, said Negrit. Everyone wanted accurate calculations, so each community received the necessary resources.

“Regardless of their political thought,” she said, “it worries me that there may be an effort to make it a political issue.”