
The judiciary is intimidated through social media, judges, magistrates’ claims

The judiciary is intimidated through social media, judges, magistrates’ claims

President of the Association of Judges and Magistrates Kenya Stephen Radido/File

The Association of Judges and Magistrates of Kenia (KJMA) revealed the intimidation of the judiciary through social media.

KMJA President Stephen Reado said that attacks are not just coincidence, but well-organized plans to obtain some desired results.

“It is no secret that there is a scheme of weakening and ultimately destroy the institute of judiciary through crusades on social networks,” he said.

In a statement to the news, Radido noted that several petitions were filed with the Judicial Service Commission, which demanding the elimination of a number of judges.

“Unfortunately, after filing a request to the commission, some of the requests and their directories have touched the intimidation of the Judicial and Judges Commission, prosecuting in social networks,” he said.

Radido added that the proper process requires that the persons who filed the petition and even more so that those who are court officers or legal practitioners with a professional code of conduct and practice allow SDR to carry out their processes without intimidation and threats on social networks.

“The Association lives that Kenya Constitution guarantees freedom of speech. So, it is not an association’s desire to take steps towards expressions on social networks or other media, ”he said.

He called on the JSC for the statement and remain committed to the rule of the Constitution, the goals and powers of independent commissions, the rights to just administrative justice, fair labor practice and a fair hearing.

He urged the Paz to reassure the public that it would adhere to the narrow path set out in the Constitution and the truthful base that manage its processes.

“The Executive Council calls for rest among the judges and judicial officials and assures them that the Council will study all legal avenues to ensure that all constitutional guarantees and protection assure them of their constitutional obligations, not violated or violated” he assured “.