
Jason Blum twies and removes the Tweet about the “Wolf Man” cash desk but there are receipts

Jason Blum twies and removes the Tweet about the “Wolf Man” cash desk but there are receipts

January is often the month when studios are released by movies that they are less confident in the perspective of the cashier. According to the lack of harsh competition may often mean that the movie or two can become significant Hit cashier in January. Unfortunately, 2025 movies started a slow start like such movies Blum -hausWolf Failed to make a strong show. Jason Bloom is probably a little disappointed about it, although he tries not to allow him to show.

A few days ago Jason Bloom Apparently, he thickened about WolfReturn of the cashier returns which amounted to less than $ 30 million worldwide. The post included an image of an angry face, indicating that it was annoyed. He quickly removed the tweet but, since the Internet is forever, others got screenshots and Retailed the publication.