
Donald Trump’s resolution deported by Propalistene activists

Donald Trump’s resolution deported by Propalistene activists

President Donald Trump On Wednesday, he signed an order on the executive body who seeks to deport international students who attended prodalistous protests.

Newborn contacted the White House for e -mail comments.

Why does it matter

During the 2024 presidential campaign, Trump reported that he would defeat the Propalistestial protests and cancel visas for international students who attended them if he returned the White House.

Last spring police arrested Thousands and students and teachers Once the colleges called them for cleaning of pro -tapent tents that had They jumped on campus all over the country. The protesters demanded that their schools be deviated from Israel against the background of the war in gas.

The critics and supporters of Israel said The protests were anti -Semitic And forced Jewish students to feel dangerous, but student protesters denied this accusation, stating that they were demonstrating the confrontation between Israel’s actions in gas. Jewish students were one of the protesters and some Jewish groups Expressed support for protests.

Columbia University protests protest
On April 22, 2024, protest supporters see pro-tapegers at a protest camp at the town of Columbia University in New York.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images

What to know

The Trump order instructs the leaders of federal agencies to provide recommendations on “all civil and criminal” bodies or actions available to the White House within 60 days.

The order states that the report should contain details of all court cases related to schools, colleges and universities, which can lead to actions to eliminate “foreign students and staff”.

According to the White House Facts, he “Marshals all federal resources” to combat what he calls “the explosion of anti -Semitism on our campus and streets” after Hamas attack in October 2023.

October 7 2023, Hamas He attacked Southern Israel, and his militants killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and stole another 250. In response, Israel began a brutal air and land war. Israel’s response was killed at least 47,000 Palestinians, moved by more than 90 percent of the Gaza population and reduced most of The ceasefire agreement has been reached Earlier in January.

The Ministry of Health Gaza stated that more than half of the dead were women and children, although they did not say how many dead were participants in hostilities, the Associated Press reports. Israel said it More than 17,000 fighters were killedwithout providing evidence.

Trump’s enforcement order promises “immediate action” from the Ministry of Justice “to protect the law and order, to calm vandalism and intimidation of pro-games, as well as to investigate and punish anti-Jewish racism in left, anti-American colleges and universities.”

“For all the aliens who have joined the protests of the Wihadists, we inform you: Come 2025, we will find you and we will deport you,” Trump quoted in a sheet of facts.

He continued: “I will also quickly abolish the student visas of all Hamas sympathizers on college campus, which have been infected with radicalism as ever.”

Is it possible to deported by propelation activists?

Proceduce protesters who are in the United States on student or work visas may be forced to leave the country if their visas are canceled.

Kerri Dele, a senior staff lawyer at the first amendment at the University of Columbia, stated in a statement published on Wednesday that deported “non -conlizers on the basis of their political speech will be unconstitutional.”

“The first amendment protects all in the United States, including foreign nationals who study at US universities. Government lawyers have already considered whether proposals for the removal of people from the country on the basis of their political speech are constitutional, and their answer is almost certainly not”, “Dandel said.

Jeff Wozniak, a lawyer of the National Advocacy Guild, who represents many student protesters, said ABC7 that there is a process that needs to be followed before the visa can be canceled.

“It’s not just that thanks to issuing this order, it will just happen automatically,” he said. “There must be an overview IceOther departments, universities. “

He added: “These students who are on the F-1 visas have the right for the first time. Newborn He addressed Wozniak for further comment by e -mail.

What do people say

Declared the executive order of President Donald Trump: “(Hamas’) Attacks have been resolved by an unprecedented wave of nasty anti -Semitic discrimination, vandalism and violence against our citizens, especially in our schools and our campuses.

“Jewish students faced the relentless threat of discrimination; refusal to access to general areas and campus sites, including libraries and audiences; and intimidation, harassment and physical threats and attacks.”

He added: “The United States policy must vigorously combat anti -Semitism, using all available and appropriate legal instruments, criminal prosecution, elimination or elimination or otherwise to account for guilty anti -law anti -Semitic claims and violence.”

The Council of American and Islamic Relations reports in news release: “Free language is the cornerstone of our constitution that no president can wipe the executive order. Like the college students who once protested against segregation, Vietnam War, and South Africa apartheid, a variety of college students who The war with Gaza deserves the gratitude of our country against Israel’s genocides of Israel.

“Attempted Trump administration to break many Jewish, Muslim, Palestinian and other college students who protested against the genocide of the Israeli government in extremely peaceful ways, are a dishonest, debt and unprecedented attack on both free language and humanity of Palestinians, all for the sake of foreign language government.

“It is also important to note that the order completely ignores the real and documented cases of anti -Palestinian and anti -Muslim violence against American students of College by Prosraeli extremists, which is potentially including some Israeli soldiers here for student visas.”

What happens next

Trump’s order gives federal agencies 60 days to report with recommendations on “all civil and criminal” bodies or actions that can be taken to combat anti -Semitism.