
A meeting of a suspect dressed as a rabbi served as an indictment for intimidating civil rights

A meeting of a suspect dressed as a rabbi served as an indictment for intimidating civil rights

Travis Garland, a suspect who penetrated the rabbi costume at the Gordon Jewish Public Center, was accused on Monday.

His charges in Davidson County accuse him of intimidating civil rights. His bond is still set at $ 250,000.

Nashville, Tenn.

Police say that Travis Cat Garlanda entered Percy Warner’s Boulevard on Monday, wearing a fake beard, counterfeit curls, black coat and white silk scarf to make a slave look. Garland entered the center with his phone in his hand, making him as if he was leaking from the phone.

Harlend stopped the employee and asked to talk to the slave. The police say that when he was told that there was no property, he continued his employee to the safe door, which had just opened by other members of the Center. These members stopped Garland, and the security guard entered Harlande to leave. The guard reported that police Garland was allegedly looked at his gun, putting the security guard to fear that Garland could try to take it.

In the end, the security guard was able to accompany Garland to the front gates and away from the Garlland car because of the concern that Garland may have inside the vehicle. The officers responded to the scene, and Garland said that his actions were part of the Internet. Garland was unarmed and was allowed to leave the territory after warning.

The police and the district prosecutor’s office have decided to make accusations against Garland and were taken into custody for $ 250,000.

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