
The Opinion column tells how one voter thinks about the 2024 election

The Opinion column tells how one voter thinks about the 2024 election

For those of you who have not voted yetand especially those of you who are still trying to decide who to vote for or are hesitating about who to vote for in presidential electionsconsider the following.

Details about the ideas and positions of the candidates differ. In my opinion, both candidates are right on some issues and wrong on others. But they have very real and very different approaches to how our country should be run.

In my opinion, one candidate’s approach is that we must respect our laws, our judicial system, and the tradition of enforcing court decisions. We must respect our form of government, our fellow citizens, and our allies. And we must seek and honor the truth, protect the military and intelligence secrets of our country and our allies, and conduct our country’s affairs with dignity.

Another candidate seems to believe (and there are many, many examples to support this}) that our laws are meant to be circumvented, our judicial system is to be mocked and ignored, our form of government is to be twisted, disrupted and even rejected if it seems , they believe that our fellow citizens should be respected only if they agree with us, our allies treated as partners only if convenient (and cheap), and that our national military and intelligence secrets are not important. And they act as if truth and dignity are not as important as advancing their point of view.

I believe the first approach is necessary to keep the United States strong and healthy, true to our principles, alive and well, improving and leading the world.

Please think. Thank you

Tanya Rai is a resident of Bloomington.