
The Electoral Commission supports the complaint against the submitted financial reports

The Electoral Commission supports the complaint against the submitted financial reports

Jan. 15—ANDERSON — The Madison County Board of Elections filed a complaint against the Lincoln Republican Party and its officials over financial records.

Last August, local resident Kathryn Callahan filed a complaint alleging the Lincoln Club violated Indiana campaign finance law by failing to report contributions of more than $100.

Traditionally, the Club of Lincoln and the Democratic Party have not signed up for events such as golf outings and annual campaign events.

According to the complaint, state law requires donations of $100 or more to include the donor’s name and address, the amount and the dates the contributions were received.

On Wednesday, the Board of Elections upheld the complaint and gave Russ Willis, chairman of the Madison County Republican Party, five days after the notice to correct financial statements filed for 2020, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

“I think the problem is clear,” said Tim Lanein, a Democrat on the board of elections.

Attorney Lorin White, who represents Callahan, said the complaint was filed against all officers of the Lincoln Club.

White said if the election commission believes there has been a violation, it should refer the complaint to a special prosecutor.

Madison County Clerk Linda Smith, a member of the Board of Elections, said the Lincoln Club should be given five days to correct the reporting deficiency.

“There should be an opportunity,” she said.

Connie Gardner served as the Republican Party member of the Election Commission in place of Willis.

Since the decision, Willis said the Lincoln Club has been reporting events on financial statements for 25 years with the total amount received.

“We thought it was the right application,” he said. “This has never been questioned before.

“There was no intention to hide who bought the tickets,” Willis said. “When it was brought to our attention that we must account for all donations over $100.”

He said state law requires financial records to be kept for three years, so it can be difficult to go back.

White declined to comment on the election board’s decision.

Callahan’s complaint alleges that in 2024, Willis, the Madison County Republican Party chairman, contributed $14,820 to a lunch at the Lincoln Club.

It goes on to say that in 2023 a contribution of $8,240 was reported from the Annual Dinner.

The complaint alleges that in 2022, the contribution from the dinner was $7,600; it was $8,845 in 2021 and $7,700 in 2020.

Follow Ken de la Bastide on Twitter @KendelaBastide or call 765-640-4863.