
The jury was shown on camera the moment Bob Lee was stabbed — as if

The jury was shown on camera the moment Bob Lee was stabbed — as if

Jurors in the trial of Nima Momeni, who is accused of stabbing Cash App founder Bob Lee to death, today got their first look at surveillance footage that prosecutors say captured the early morning stabbing incident on April 4, 2023.

As the courtroom watched in silence as many stood to get a better view, prosecutor Omid Talai played blurry, zoomed-in footage of Momeni and Lee while witness and video search officer Milad Rashidian described what he saw. It is difficult to make out the features of the two men, but before and after shots show that Momeni was wearing white and Lee was wearing black.

Watching the two figures stand still, Talai pointed out Momeni’s sudden movement towards Lee. Then they separate. Momeni speeds off in his car while Lee starts walking down the street trying to stop help.

“I noticed a white object moving towards the black,” Rashidian said after being shown the video.

Talay: The promotion that you’re seeing, have you noticed any movements like that at any point in time before what we’ve just been talking about?

Rashidyan: No.

Rashidian said he saw Momeni make another move after the alleged stabbing — when prosecutors say Momeni threw the murder weapon over a nearby fence.

Talai: What do you think is happening now?

Rashidian: Subject in white (Momen) appears to be walking towards the fence and leaning over it.

Later, clearer footage shows Lee stumbling away; he quickly comes across a car waiting at a red light and is obviously trying to get the attention of those inside.

“He seems to be signaling,” Rashidian said. As the video continued, Talay asked him what he was seeing. “Mr. Lee seems to have passed out.”

From the audience, Lee’s ex-wife, Krista Leegasped

At the same time, Momeni was tracked by various cameras as he drove his white BMW. He runs the nearest red light and heads back to Emeryville.