
Mass rape of children in Britain and the cost of not being called a racist

Mass rape of children in Britain and the cost of not being called a racist

Thanks to Elon Musk, the grooming scandal has finally received the outrage it deserves

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For years, the British establishment ignored the mass rape of thousands of English girls mostly men of Pakistani origina crime he still refuses to face. Embarrassment over the ethnicity of both abusers and victims has allowed networks of rapists known as “grooming gangs” to prey on vulnerable children with impunity. Driven partially through racial and religious contempt for their mostly white victims, these men exploited girls across northern and central England in a brutality unparalleled in modern British history. This continues to this day.

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How did it happen? Or rather, how could it be tolerated? Like abuse scandals in the Catholic Church, this crime threatened a cherished dogma. Multiculturalism preached that diversity is “our strength.” When uncomfortable truths surfaced, they were quietly brushed aside.

The illusion had its price. There were porters smeared like fanatics and victims released by the very people who were supposed to protect them. In case after case, city after city, police and local officials were more concerned with avoiding accusations of racism and maintaining “community cohesion” than preventing the rape of children. And with few exceptionsjournalists turned their eyes away from one of the gravest injustices of our time.

That changed last week when grotesque details one case involving the gang-rape of a 12-year-old girl reached Elon Musk, who shared it with his 200 million followers on X. It disrupted what writer Ben Sixsmith called decades “conspiracy of murmuring” and caused an international outcry — one that, finally, corresponds to the scale of the horror.

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Instead of channeling public outrage — an obvious response given the severity of the crimes — the British prime minister argued with Musk about the alleged “lies” and “misinformation”. At the same time, he completely missed the point. Musk’s intervention calls to imprison members of the government were sometimes clumsy, but paled in comparison to this horror. It is this kind of deviation that has allowed abuse to go unchecked for decades. While British politicians agonized over language etiquette, a nationwide epidemic of child rape was ignored—and allowed—by the authorities.

As a result, Britain is well aware of the dangers of far-right boogeymen and the speech crimes of anti-Islam activists such as Tommy Robinson, but no one knows exactly how many girls have been molested. There has never been a national investigation that focused exclusively on gang groups. Local investigations offer only fragments—glimpses—of a vast, grim collage of violence obscured by willful indifference.

An investigation by Telford (2022) found that more than 1,000 girls were abused, with cases dating back to the 1980s. In Rotherham, a town in South Yorkshire now synonymous with gang-rape, more than 1,400 girls were sexually exploited from 1997 to 2013. However, Telford and Rotherham are just two of more than 50 towns where such gangs are known to have operated. Only in 2023, the police of England and Wales recorded more than 7,000 crimes of a sexual nature, indicating that abuse is widespread and ongoing.

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Without a comprehensive investigation, we can only guess at the total number of victims. Speaking in the House of Lords in 2018, Lord Pearson suggested that, based on the evidence available and the often repeated daily abuse of victims, in general “Millions of rapes of white and Sikh girls by Muslim men” could happen

But even such potentially staggering numbers remain an abstraction that cannot fully capture the horror. Consider the case of Samantha (in some reports her name is Sophie), the girl is 12 years old kidnapped in 2006 by “two Asians” in Oldham. They drove her for hours, repeatedly beat her, and then threw her out of the moving car. Desperate and hurt, she sought help from a passerby, who also insulted her. She ran away again but was picked up by another man she trusted to take her to the police. Instead, he took her to a house where she was raped by five more “Asians”. Her torment lasted almost 24 hours. A total of eight men attacked Samantha that day. In her world, every adult was a predator. The leader of the last gang, Shakil Chowdhury was imprisoned for only three years.

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Such stories are not aberrations. One girl who was enslaved at the age of 12 was branded with the letter “M” on her buttocks by her rapist, Muhammad, to mark her as his property. Another 14-year-old girl was kidnapped, raped and allegedly dismembered, her body was disposed of in a barbecue.

The victims, who were ridiculed as “white slags”, were considered easy prey by the perpetrators. Sentencing the Rochdale offenders in 2012, a judge said the girls were treated as “worthless and disrespectful” because “they didn’t belong to your community or religion”.

According to the study published According to the Social Science Network (SSRN), the vast majority of people prosecuted for gang crime in the UK between 1997 and 2017 were Pakistani-Muslim origin — a fact often belittled mass media.

In Rotherham, 2020 academician study found that one of 73 Muslim men in the city have been prosecuted for participating in grooming groups. How many go unnoticed because the authorities look the other way in Rochdale, Telford, Oxford and beyond? Without a national inquiry, we may never know.

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In a speech that could define his premiership, Starmer dismissed calls for an inquiry as condescension “ultra-right victory” — an insult to the legitimate concerns of the British public that he may regret.

Such statements reflect a deeply ingrained mindset: unpleasant truths about minority groups are considered too dangerous to share with the public. It is this attitude that has allowed grooming groups to flourish unchecked for so long. The authorities were frightened by the negative reaction to the “Asian community” from the white majority. A 2019 report in Manchester concluded that Asian grooming gangs remained on the streets partly because police were instructed search for criminals of another nationality.

Similarly, the 2022 Telford Review found “there was nervousness about race … bordering on reluctance to investigate crimes committed by members of the so-called ‘Asian’ community.” The report said the city council had suspended taxi licenses even though it “became aware that taxi drivers were offering children free rides in exchange for sexual acts”. The decision to end enforcement, the report noted, “was made solely out of fear of accusations of racism.”

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To understand the power of faith, consider what people are willing to sacrifice for it. In Britain, the sanctity of children, their innocence and the integrity of our institutions have been thrown into the crosshairs of a multicultural ideal – an ideal that promised harmony but produced a betrayal too vast and too painful to yet comprehend.

Michael Murphy is a journalist from London. He writes for the Daily Telegraph and presented documentary “Ireland is full! The anti-immigration reaction in Ireland”. You can follow him on X: @michaelmurph_y.

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