
New details of a fatal strangulation incident involving a student from Naples

New details of a fatal strangulation incident involving a student from Naples

NAPLES, Fla. – FOX 4 has obtained an incident report detailing a strangulation incident at Laurel Oaks Elementary School on Oct. 17, according to an on-duty youth deputy.

The deputy says she was called to the cafeteria in response to a medical emergency.

Once inside the cafeteria, her statement says she found the student lying motionless.

A nurse’s aide was seen with a Life Vac in hand frantically declaring “it’s not working”.

The deputy called 911 and says she performed the Heimlich maneuver; however, the student was unconscious and not breathing.

The AED was removed, the principal was notified, and several staff members assisted with chest compressions.

An ambulance arrived at the scene and took over emergency care.

The student was taken for further treatment to the National Medical Center-North.