
Election 2024: Can New Yorkers take a photo of a completed ballot? Here’s what you need to know

Election 2024: Can New Yorkers take a photo of a completed ballot? Here’s what you need to know

Should ballot selfies be legal?

While New Yorkers might be tempted to mark their participation in this year’s all-important election by taking a photo of their ballot, it’s actually a crime.

Under state law, it is a misdemeanor to photograph a voter with a completed ballot.

“Any person who shows his ballot after it has been prepared for voting to any person with the intention of revealing its contents or induces a voter to show it is guilty of an official crime,” the text reads. New York State Election Law.

According to the New York State Election Commission, the purpose of the law is to prevent voter coercion, intimidation or vote buying.

Fourteen states have similar laws banning selfies with ballots, the data show Foundation for the protection of rights and self-expression of the individual show.

Foundation for the protection of rights and self-expression of the individual

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AND score introduced by New York Democratic Sen. Brad Hoylman-Siegal last legislative session would allow for photos of completed ballots to be posted on social media. However, the bill never made it out of committee.

Should ballot selfies be legal? It sounds in our survey above.

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