
Signs show safe dog entry points to Truro’s rivers

Signs show safe dog entry points to Truro’s rivers

New signs are appearing along popular city walks to mark safe places for dogs to access rivers.

Truro Countryside Rangers have installed signs to reduce bank erosion and offer dogs and their owners easier access to the waterways in Coozbin Forest.

They also plan to put up signs on Daubuz Bog and in the forest on Glasteinian.

The team noted that dogs climbing in and out of the river cause them to claw up material, creating problems for trails, wildlife and bank stability.

Signs are installed in places of easy access, in the shallow waters of rivers.

Dog owners using rivers are advised to check the river for wildlife before letting their pets into the water and to keep them within sight at all times.

The team added: “We thank you for helping us look after these wild spaces and hope you enjoy spending time in them as much as we do.”