
Cal Pauley is the subject of a federal civil rights complaint alleging discrimination

Cal Pauley is the subject of a federal civil rights complaint alleging discrimination

The Men & Masculinities program on Cal Poly’s campus is named in a federal civil rights complaint filed Tuesday by a civil rights group, “Equal Protection” project..

A Rhode Island-based foundation filed a complaint against eight California universities with the US Department of Education.

The complaint was filed against the CSU Young Colored Males Consortium. and “people of color” programs that operate on 23 CSU campuses.

Only eight programs named by the foundation were currently active.

The Equal Protection Project is led by Cornell Law Professor William Jacobson. According to the organization’s website, it is “dedicated to the fair treatment of all people regardless of race or ethnicity.”

“We’re calling on the state of California to change this program to find a better way to help people who may not be doing well as a group,” Jacobson said. “But you have to do it in a way that’s not exceptional—and that’s exceptional on its own terms.”

Cal Poly’s Men & Masculinities program is one of those programs that Jacobson said does not include white male or female students.

“CSU has and continues to operate programs that meet the unique needs of our diverse student demographic,” said California State University System Director of Public Affairs Amy Bentley-Smith. — And we are sure that our programs meet legal requirements. provided by the US Department of Education.

Bentley-Smith also noted that the U.S. Department of Education allows school programs with racial themes as long as the programs offered are open to all students, regardless of race.

A representative for Men & Masculinities did not return a request for comment, but according to its website, it says it provides support, inclusion and empowerment for men and people experiencing diverse and intersectional masculinities. It also aims to foster a community where discussions, partnerships and activities related to masculinity can happen openly and constructively.

A Cal Poly representative said Wednesday that the university had been made aware of the complaint, but referred all questions to the CSU chancellor’s office.

The Department for Education must now decide whether to launch an investigation if the complaint is not resolved by then.