
If family members have had breast cancer, are you at risk? Find out the details Health

If family members have had breast cancer, are you at risk? Find out the details Health

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer seen in women and anyone who has breast tissue. Women are often worried about this disease, and there are many misconceptions. October is celebrated worldwide as Breast Cancer Awareness Month to raise awareness and improve screening for the disease. Here we debunk some common myths about breast cancer.
1) You can get breast cancer if you have a family history of the disease
Doctors often ask about this factor if they doubt that your health test results indicate such a possibility. However, experts say there is only a 5-10 percent chance that you may develop cancer because of a family history. Most women with breast cancer do not have a family history. Even so, if you have someone in your family with breast cancer, monitor your breast health with self-exams and other tests.

2) Breast cancer affects only women
Although breast cancer mostly occurs in women, it can also be diagnosed in men, as the disease can affect anyone who has breast tissue. About one percent of breast cancer patients worldwide are men. If you notice a lump in your breast or discharge from your nipples, don’t delay, contact your doctor.
3) Mammograms may increase the risk of breast cancer
There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that mammograms can increase the risk of breast cancer. Mammography is one of the best screening methods for breast cancer. Although there may be minor side effects or discomfort, women should undergo this breast cancer test.

4) Those who lead a healthy lifestyle stay away from breast cancer
The risk of breast cancer is relatively low in those who exercise regularly and follow a healthy diet. However, this does not mean that you are completely protected from the disease just because you lead a healthy lifestyle. Genetics and many other factors can lead to breast cancer in women.
5) Chest tightness is the only symptom
Seals may not appear on the breast with all types of breast cancer. Differences in breast size and shape, nipple discharge, or reddened skin around the nipple can also be symptoms. A breast exam or self-examination is the best way to notice any changes.

Seals may not appear on the breast with all types of breast cancer. Photo: Shutterstock

6) Wearing a bra can cause breast cancer
There is no scientifically proven evidence that wearing a bra, especially on the underwire, can cause breast cancer. This myth may have spread because of the common belief that wearing bras of a certain shape and structure can block lymphatic flow in the breasts. However, this has not been proven by any research.

7) You are safe because there is no family history
About 85 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history of the disease. Age, genetics, and lifestyle are some of the factors that can affect your risk. Therefore, all women should undergo screening tests at regular intervals to ensure that they do not have breast cancer.
8) A biopsy can lead to breast cancer
This is a misconception because only a tiny bit of tissue is taken for a biopsy. A biopsy does not lead to cancer; instead, it is a test commonly used to treat breast cancer.
9) Breastfeeding saves you from breast cancer
Breastfeeding can make you immune to breast cancer, even if it can’t prevent the disease. You can do a self-examination of the mammary glands, as well as tests prescribed by medical personnel to confirm the disease. If you notice any changes in your breasts, it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Detecting the disease in the early stages makes treatment easier and more effective, and also increases the chances of recovery.