
From Pisces to Cancer: 4 Zodiac Signs That Demand the Royal Bae Treatment When They’re Sick

From Pisces to Cancer: 4 Zodiac Signs That Demand the Royal Bae Treatment When They’re Sick

One of the worst feelings in the world is seeing your loved one sick and feeling helpless as you watch them slowly get worse. After all, true love is caring for people when they’re not feeling their best. Intriguingly, some star signs outright demand that their partners do whatever it takes to cheer them up when they’re down.

These are people who usually find being sick in bed tiring. And no amount of playing games or watching their favorite shows helps them accept the fact that they are bedridden, even if it is for a short period. They tend to be clingy and want their crush to take all their pain away with gestures of love. See who they are:


Pisces have a particularly hard time getting sick because they refuse to slow down and rest. Pisces usually have a long to-do list, and when they suddenly fall ill, they rely on their significant other to help them get through each task. They want to be pampered and hope that their lover will hug them and ask how they can do better for them.

They demand royal treatment and love it when theirs does the laundry, walks the dog, or offers help with other tasks. Pisces knows that they will be able to rest more if their partner takes over their share of the household duties. After all, being in a relaxed and comfortable environment will greatly help their rehabilitation.


When a Leo is sick, they feel their partners have the perfect opportunity to show how much they care. If they are recently in a relationship, they would appreciate it if their spouse supports them emotionally and gives them get-well gifts while they recover. Many Leos (the symbol of Leo) consider such gestures obligatory and may even sulk for a while if their partner does not caress them.

If their lover arranges a great night out where they can watch a few movies together, Leo will be thrilled. Indeed, just delicious food, hugs and lots of caressing will calm down an upset lion. Most Leos will feel warm and fuzzy inside because of the cozy atmosphere that the comfort of a lover offers them.


Even if a Virgo and their lover are in a long-distance relationship, they want their child to actively look for ways to cheer them up. A text message is sure to have an impact as a Virgo loves words of affirmation and will surely appreciate the kind words their lover has to say. Also, sweets and warm soup should be included in any care package their partner sends to Virgo.

They just want their boos to be as sincere and supportive as they can while they’re sick. But if at this time their partner puts work first, Virgo can be upset for days in a row.


Constantly pensive, this zodiac sign harbors many fears about his illness. A Cancer patient may not have such a cheerful attitude as before he got sick. Also, their partner may not be able to adapt to Cancer’s mood swings. The pressure can destroy both parties’ notions of staying together “in sickness and in health” unless they are fully committed to each other.

After all, Cancers demand royal treatment from their beloved in the form of a package filled with board games, their favorite cookies or candles. Maybe even a little healthy food will make Cancer’s day more enjoyable. Ignoring a Cancer or giving them space to heal is wrong, as they will feel left out and left out. Moreover, Cancers expect such care and attention because they willingly give it to others.

If your husband is ill for a longer period of time, you may need to properly assess his emotional needs. If this ever feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate to reach out to friends and family for support!

Disclaimer: These attributes are general and may not necessarily be true for you.