The name of the new president of the BJP party will be announced after the meeting. After an unimpressive performance in the Lok Sabha polls, the RSS wanted Shivraj Singh Chouhan to replace JP Nadda as BJP president, but the popular former CM of Madhya Pradesh was not acceptable to the Modi-Shah duo. The new president must have the support of both the government and the Sangh Parivar, and will be slightly younger than the current high command. The main contenders in the race are reported to be Dharmendra Pradhan and Bhupendra Yadav. Other contestants like Vinod Taude, Devendra Fadnavis and others have flaws. Both Pradhan and Yadav are 55 years old and are prominent OBCs. Pradhan, an old ABVP worker, is a favorite of RSS general secretary Dattatrey Khosabale. Yadav, who once headed the lawyers’ wing of the RSS, has the blessings of Suresh Sonia, once a benefactor of Modi. Pradhan’s recent success in Haryana, where he led the elections, is an advantage. Similarly, Yadav earned praise when the BJP staged a surprise upset in Madhya Pradesh last year. His standing will be boosted if he wins the BJP in Maharashtra.
Double agent
A common assumption, which is actually incorrect, is that the characters in the killing of Khalistan terrorist Hardeep Nijar in Canada and the attempted assassination of Gurpatwant Pannoon in the US are the same. Canadian authorities have linked Nijar’s murder to the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, which is difficult to establish because Bishnoi is in an Indian prison. This probably explains the unstated and immature approach of the Canadians in making unproven accusations, providing motivated leaks to an American newspaper and posting documents on the Internet to support their claims. In contrast, the US authorities are diplomatically silent, although they believe that there is an ironclad case in the New York court regarding the prosecution of Nikhil Gupta, extradited from the Czech Republic. It turns out that in the foggy world undercover hit workplacesthe US citizen hired to kill Pannan was actually a double agent working for the US government’s Drug Enforcement Agency! The double agent, pretending to be doing a hit job, framed his recruits and lured them into a trap, not only to expose his guilt, but also to brag about the shameful details of previous hits. (But such testimony, even if true, can only be considered circumstantial evidence in a third country.) The US authorities, unlike the Canadians, have been so reticent that they have not even asked why Vikash Yadav, who is wanted for questioning in the US, is now is in hiding, has been granted a highly unusual interim bail of six days, despite the serious charges against him.
Maha Roster Mess
Given the deep divisions in the MVA opposition, Rahul Gandhi and Uddhav Thackeray had to instruct their tough-talking and muscle-playing lieutenants Nani Patola, the state president. Congressand Sanjay Raut, executive editor of the daily Sena Saamana, to tone down his rhetoric. Sharad Pawar, who acted as a mediator between the two hostile allies, is the beneficiary of the bad blood between the Sena (UBT) and the Congress. Consequently, the NCP(SP)’s share of seats in the tripartite division has increased sharply to 87 seats. Also, Congress fears that Thackeray is insisting on disproportionate number of seats as he intends to become CM one way or another, even if it means going back to BJP. Meanwhile, the BJP fears that Ajit Pawar, whose seat share has been reduced to 52 after his disappointing performance in the Lok Sabha, may return to his uncle Sharad after the results, which explains why Ajit’s photo is missing from the posters of the ruling Mahayuti alliance. Adding to the confusion is the 16 or so BJP faces vying for alliance partner symbols.
One happy family
Unlike the disharmony and non-cooperation during the Lok Sabha elections, the RSS and the BJP are completely united in the assembly elections. In Mathura, RSS’s Dattatreya Hosabale said that a family may sometimes have differences, but the bonds can never be severed. This was a clear reference to BJP president JP Nadda’s statement to The Indian Express during the recent Lok Sabha polls – that the BJP does not need the RSS as it is now “saksham (capable)” on its own. Prime Minister Modi recently tweeted to congratulate Mohan Bhagwat on the approaching centenary of RSS. late, Amit Shah went out of his way to meet many leading RSS functionaries. Rama Madhav, who has been out of the BJP for nearly five years, has been appointed as a one-time RSS poster election in-charge of J&K. The RSS has appointed functionaries to coordinate with the BJP in poll-bound states. Joint General Secretary Arun Kumar was in charge of Haryana, Atul Limay looking after Maharashtra and Alok Kumar for Jharkhand.