
Daylight Savings Time Ends Tomorrow – The 3 Biggest Sleep Mistakes to Avoid When the Clocks Go Back

Daylight Savings Time Ends Tomorrow – The 3 Biggest Sleep Mistakes to Avoid When the Clocks Go Back

Tomorrow the hands of the clocks go back. At two o’clock in the morning, the time will move back one hour, giving us an extra hour of sleep. When we wake up, the morning will be brighter, but the evenings are approaching, which means it will be dark much earlier. However, this is not a bad thing. In fact, lighter mornings help regulate our circadian rhythms, increase our energy levels, and make it easier for us to fall asleep quickly and easily at night.

However, despite these benefits, some of us will inevitably experience sleep disturbances. why Because changing your sleep schedule, even if it’s just one hour, can have a big impact on your sleep quality, duration, and overall well-being.