
Suspect in Tierras murder back behind bars, charged with parole violation

Suspect in Tierras murder back behind bars, charged with parole violation

TIERAS, NM (KRQE) – A New Mexico man who was allegedly found with drug paraphernalia in his truck and a dead body on the ground in March is back behind bars.

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Juan Nunes reportedly violated his parole in September and then absconded. As part of his release, Nunez was ordered to undergo a drug test after a hearing in September. According to court documents, he went to the bathroom and tried to fake the results by placing a yellow liquid in the test cup instead of his own urine.

After the cops caught him red-handed, they told him to wait outside in the lobby while they discussed his actions with the judge. At the time, officials said he fled.

He was then arrested Thursday in Torrance County.

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