
5 men charged with the murder scheme for hiring after the California businessman was killed in the parking lot

5 men charged with the murder scheme for hiring after the California businessman was killed in the parking lot

Five men are behind bars in connection with the brazen daily shooting of the wealthy businesswoman San Bernardino at the parking lot of fast food restaurants, which the authorities described on Tuesday as a murder for the hire of divorce.

Jessica Jessica, 44 years old, was deadly shot dead outside the Burger Point restaurant, 444 W. Mill St., at about 11:45 am. Southern California, including the pallet and medical service in San Bernardino, and had millions of dollars, police said.

Now, a 53-year-old resident of Yukaip, one of five suspects accused of first degree murder due to his wife’s death. Also accused of Gerardo Llamas Torres, 31 years, BakerSfield, which is not related to Esenia Torres; 54 -year -old Arnaldo Ruelas from Los -Angeles; His brother Reinaldo Ruelas, 37 years old, also from Los -Angeles; And Juan Perez, 42 years, from Riverside.