
The UN judge said the police allegedly slave “excited by pound”

The UN judge said the police allegedly slave “excited by pound”

The woman who was found in the bedroom said she came to the country in July 2022 on a work visa, and she did not want to stay in Ms. Mugambe’s house.

Meanwhile, the defendant was below, saying the officer that the woman was “ridiculous”, the court heard.

Ms. Mugamb, who is also a judge of the High Court in Uganda, said that a woman did not thank her that she has a key to property and free to go.

The defendant said she suspected that a woman wanted to work for more money.

In the frames that wore the body, it could be heard by saying, “This is what is happening when they come, they worry about the pound, and then they want to work much more than the terms they came, so it wants “.

Mrs. Mugambe can also hear that she does not want to go, who wants to return to Africa when she can work?

“I am a judge for me, I’m fine, but if you didn’t have much to do … She would like to stay.”

The woman said she worked in Ms. Mugambe in Uganda before she was asked to go to the UK.

According to pre -recorded evidence, the predictable victim stated that Ms. Mugambe told her that she could find a job outside the care of children.

Ms. Mugamb denies the conspiracy to assist the Commission to violate the UK IMMIGRATION ACTION, facilitating the travel for the purpose of exploitation, forcing someone to work and the conspiracy to intimidate the witness.

The trial is ongoing.