
A fake noble pleads guilty in fraud focused on summer films

A fake noble pleads guilty in fraud focused on summer films

Los -Angeles -the man of San -Fernsondo Valley, who uses the name of the dynasty, which once made Austria, pleaded his guilt on Friday on a federal accusation that claimed that he confused the Summer Philippine Americans and others in the Ponj $ 5.9 million.

Sylwein William Maximilian d’Absburg XVII, 48, from the western hills, which he asked in the center of Los -Angeles to one of the fraud issues, mistakenly declared Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordan They were among its investors, according to court documents.

The sentence was appointed on May 30, and at this time he will be threatened up to 20 years in a federal prison, prosecutors said.

From January 2018 to June 2023, D’Aabesburg hired recruiters for identifying potential investors for their two companies, Wild Rabbit Technologies and Bai Bai Intelligence LLC, focused the request for request submitted to the Federal Court.

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D’Aabesburg has been legally changed to remind the famous European family and is not a descendant of the nobility, the US Prosecutor’s Office said.

At investment presentations, D’Bbsburg argued that he had artificial intelligence technology that could predict the future and identify the Covid-19 infection based solely on video, among other things, show court documents.

Prosecutors declare that he also mistakenly asserted potential investors who received about $ 500 million in investments for their companies from pensioners-athletes and other famous people, including Bryant, Jordan, and Apple Computer Co-founder, and that he will use a person to be used for and receiving patents.

However, D’Absburg used victims’ money to purchase luxury cars, such as Rolls Royce Phantom II Continental Sedanca de Ville from Barker and rare antiques, including a pair of Italian carved coat of arms, 1800 -protachary sets of 1800 -germ.

As a result of its scheme, the US Prosecutor’s Office stated that D’Absburg had inflicted about $ 5.9 million in total losses in total.

After D’absburg faces up to 20 years in federal prison, prosecutors were noted.

Habsburg-Loturing House-King Royal House of Non-existent Austro-Hungarian Thrones. (With CNS report)