
Former Georgia survey employee pleads guilty in the threat of Jones County Bomb – 41nbc News

Former Georgia survey employee pleads guilty in the threat of Jones County Bomb – 41nbc News

Nicholas Wimbish admitted that he was sending a threatening letter and a lie to the FBI; Deading a sentence on May 13.
William August's Federal building and US Court House
File: 2018

MAcon, Georgia (41nbc/WMGT)- Nicolas Wimbish, a former survey worker in Jones County, pleaded guilty to the mailing of a letter that threatens to bombard the district police officers and damage the survey workers. He also confessed to FBI lies During the investigation.

25 -year -old Wimbish from Mildzeville, today made guilty of US District Judge Mark Tredwell. He pleaded guilty of transmitting false information about the threat of bomb and creating approaches. It threatens the maximum punishment in prison, three years of controlled release and a fine of $ 250,000. His sentence is scheduled for May 13. There is no conditional liberation in the federal system.

“Bombs and similar threats create serious and unnecessary breakdowns in our communities, extracting vital law enforcement agencies and terrible people,” said US lawyer K. Chanel But. “Our partners and law enforcement agencies are serious about these types of threats and will pursue federal persecution when guarantee.”

“The FBI perceives all the issues of threat to life very seriously,” said Senior Resident Robert Gibbs from the FBI Atlanta office. “This arrest demonstrates the FBI’s obligations to hold anyone who tries to intimidate a state official or interfere with the election process.”

Details of the case

According to the court’s documents and statements, Wimbish worked as a poll in the Jones District Elections in Gray, Georgia, October 16, 2024, when he argued with the voter. That evening and in the first hours of October 17, he conducted an online research, and then made a letter that represented himself as a voter, threatening to bombard the poll of Jones County. He sent a letter on October 17, 2024 under the name “Jones County County”, and he arrived in the election position of Jones County on October 22, 2024.

Wimbish confessed that he intended to appear as if he had come from a voter, adding details to make the voter target him and other survey workers. The letter included threats of violence, including a reference to watching each step and a handwritten post script, which states: “PS Boom toy at an early place of voting, burn cigars, be safe.” Wimbish acknowledged that he knew that the “toy of the arrow” refers to an explosive device.

In addition, Wimbish lied to the FBI agents who investigated the case by mistaken saying that he believed that the voter had sent a letter and deny that he had conducted an online research. Later the letter was found on Vimbish’s computer.