
The Indiana Man named Petton Manning is arrested for threats

The Indiana Man named Petton Manning is arrested for threats


Threatening to kill a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. This is the accusation against Peyton Manning in Manc.

No … this is not that Peyton Manning.

Court’s documents say that an 18-year-old man named Petton A. Menning was arrested on Thursday morning after police reported threatening videos posted on Instagram. The threat, apparently, has something in common with the argument between a young woman who is pregnant with 12 weeks and the child’s father.

In the videos, Manning sees that “I do not give *** if your child dies or not … I also kill this baby.”

The woman called the police and when asked if she believed that mening could try to do well in his threat, she said he believed what would be.

Menning was tracked on Thursday at a local hotel in Mansi, where he was found with a group of a friend. He was brought for questioning and initially denied threats.

But when the police presented his evidence, he confessed that he did a video and said he did not intend to act. Despite that, Manning is accused of intimidating the crime.

Menning was born on February 5, 2007, which on the same day Indianapolis Kolts won the Chicago bears in the XLI Super Cup.

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