
The novel shock is “confirmed” for Yen John – with someone unexpected | Sweetheart

The novel shock is “confirmed” for Yen John – with someone unexpected | Sweetheart

Jan Bill, smiling at the pie store holding the key in Eastenders
U ian beale has a reason to smile next week (Figure: BBC)

As the unexpected soap romantics go there, there is one of the best of them Eastenders Next week, when two very random characters are approaching.

Was removed from the former groom Cindy Bill (Michel Collins) after her business with The younger knight (Mikhai Balfur) Jan Bill (Adam Woodiat) shares a warm moment with Priya Nandra Khart (Sophie Han-Levi.).

Yes, you read it correctly.

It all starts when Cindy tries to access # 45 but yang, Katy (Gillian Tilfort) and Peter (Thomas Low) Everyone deny her.

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Jan Bill and Priya Nandra-Hart in a cafe in Eastenders
Yang is approaching Nandra-Hart (Figure: BBC)

Cindy goes to the acne of white to ask Jan, but soon the accusation will fly, and Priya will come to the rescue.

While Jan says something, as a rule, Yen Bill and accidentally offend her, they subsequently share a drink into the age – but everything becomes disorderly when Cindy, Junior and Ravi Gulati (Aaron Tiara) come to Pab.

Priya and Yang are trying to make Cindi and Ravi jealous, but Cindy has other ideas.

Yang Bill and Priya Nandra-Hart enjoy drinking in eastenders
The couple is divided by drink in Vic (drawing: BBC)
Yang Bill and Priya Nandra-Hart enjoy drinking in eastenders
Yang and Priya try to make their exes jealous (picture: bbc)

Returning to # 45, Priy and Yang share another drink and share their warm moment, but they are interrupted when Katie comes home prematurely.

Later, Priya invites herself to dinner in Billes, but Katie makes his feelings known with some harsh comments.

After she leaks, Jan haunts after her new love.

Is it really the beginning of a blooming new romance?

Eastenders releases these scenes from Monday February 10 at 7:30 pm on BBC One or a stream first from 6am on iPlayer.

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