
Karl Sofia Gascon is broken in an unauthorized hourly interview CNN

Karl Sofia Gascon is broken in an unauthorized hourly interview CNN

Capricious Emilia Perez The nominee “Star and Oscar” Karl Sofia Gascon appeared in an hour unauthorized interview CNN en español on Sunday morning, in which she broke in tears and played various moments about her racist and Islamophobic tweets.

First repeating many of the same moments in it Apology on Instagram posted yesterdayGascon repeated that she was “not racist” and offered her “the most sincere apologies to all people who may have felt offended for how I express myself in my past, in my present and in the future.”

She later continued: “I think I was judged, I was convicted, sacrificed, crucified and stones without trial, without being able to defend.”

The deadline has confirmed that Netflix He did not participate in creating CNN interviews and did not know what this was happening.

In an interview that greatly jumping the topics, with the interviewer Juan Carlos Archiniegas, who often unable to get a single word, Gascon discussed his “wonderful daughter”, which she said.

“I feel and very identifies with people who were thrown away by buses for their skin color, with people who did not want them to study at university, for people who were hated simply for existing, like I hate me at this moment ”, – she said.

Gascon occasionally broke in tears, referring to “relationships with a wonderful woman who is a Muslim who has taught her respect and understand, perhaps better than in the past.” She later said that at that moment she was 100%supported.

At other point, Gascon brought up his brother, who died when she was 20: “When I was very little, my brother died in an accident for Christmas, and I was always outraged something deplorable, but something in which I have incredible hope. “

She continued to say that she always received hatred, for example, for wearing earrings or skirts, and was previously called anti-hey-gay-transport. In addition, she said she was faced with hatred of some people in Mexico for being Spanish, claiming that they called her “a Spanish woman who came again to rob their gold.”

Later Gascon referred to Madrid trains in 2004, which she said, left on it: “It influenced me to see two days before some people prayed inside the train that were very similar to people who subsequently carried out These attacks. “

Among the tears, she also said, “I did not stop getting hatred, threats to death, insults, abuse. I did not see anyone who came out in any media, any space, any place, to raise his hand for me and He said, “Hey, what is the person who you mask?”

When asked about her tweet, in which she recognized George Floyd, who was killed in the hands of police in 2020, “People’s Commissar and Husher”, Gascon replied that she had made a position and treated social media as “unfortunately, more like a diary” , filled with “reflections, unlike something that can influence someone, because before being here, three people were viewed in my position.”

The actress who created the story as the first open -open trance -woman, nominated for the best actress on “Oscar”, continued to say that she is strongly relied on “irony, sarcasm and time exaggeration, and of course, I use a resource for communicating a third party if What I wrote was written to the one who thinks negatively. “

Gascon acknowledged that her tweet about the 93rd Oscar, in which she considered the corresponding victories of Daniel Kalui and Yu-Jung Yang as a “Africa-Korean Festival” as “stupidity” and “probably, they deserved these awards for all their work, and Not for who they are. ”

Then Arkinkigas asked Gascon to turn to the Twit, which she wrote, which she wrote: “This is the same as” Black slaves and a woman in the kitchen. “But this is my opinion, and it should be respected. I do not understand so much world war against Hitler , he just had his opinion about the Jews.

Gascon added that, having tweets about Floyd, Muslims and Hitler, taken together: “It looks like a terrible and evil person when I intend to display the opposite.”

At other point, Gascon also debunked the widespread tweet, in which she seemed to call the co-star of Selena Gomez “rich shatter” as fabricated, and that she “never said anything about my colleague.”

“I said” Well, but what did I do in my life? What did I do – if I didn’t kill a fly that when I go to a place and I have a spider in my house, I put it in a cup so you don’t kill it and take it out? “She said in tears, saying that the response to the dispute made her feel as if she had committed a” crime. “

Gascon acknowledged that you have to put three or four years of work “like crazy” for Emilia Perez Only now to protect themselves from those who are trying to guarantee that it is gone, not even what I won. “She said that regardless of” forgives “those whom she considers actors of unfair faith that” nothing in this world in this world have no “and decided to come after her.

“If they want to remove any nomination if they want to remove the brand that supports me or anything, I ask them to make it a fair court that they give me the opportunity to protect themselves,” she added.

When asked what Netflix or Gascón shared with her, the actress said she had met them once and could not say a lot, as they will soon unite again to discuss further. She added that from the very beginning she said Netflix that she did not know why she had to start a campaign of awards because she claimed that those who liked her speech, look at it and vote for it, and everything she could do – that promote her work.

Gascon added that she has “nothing to hide” and “pure conscience”, saying, “If the whole world thinks I’m such a bad person with whom I have to go home and so I will go home my family, mine my family Cats and people who love me, and I continue my life, as I did it before, (where) I have never lacked soup plates because I did it honestly without harming anyone in this world. “

When asked if she believed that “pride has played a role in everything”, Gascon replied: “When you come from a place where you have to constantly defend yourself … It is really ugly getting used to obtaining violence and being able to fight and live in the world where you are constantly threatened with death, sometimes you have to lift yourself over it so that they do not flood you. yourself from this world of all things that happened to me. “

Gascon completed the interview, apologizing to her daughter for having to deal with a constant dispute instead of celebration, and added that she knows that her words “would be incorrectly represented because (others) love or desire. It is obvious, and They will make any conclusions that everyone wants to make, but as I told you earlier, I am only responsible for what my heart feels. “

See the interview, Spanish, below:

For the first time, a writer of freelance culture, Sarah Hagi for the first time, found Gascon’s tweets on Thursday. To the above interview and its post on Instagram yesterday Gascon issued Statement through Netflixin which she said, “I want to admit a conversation around my past publications on social networks that caused harm. As someone in marginalized community, I know this suffering too well, and I am very sorry for those I have caused pain. All my life I I fought for the best world.

Zoe Saldanya’s cohaunded also commented on this question, saying“It is very sad because I do not support and I do not have tolerance to any negative rhetoric about people of any group. I can only certify the experience I had with every person who was part of this movie and My experience and my interaction with them were the inclusiveness and cooperation and racial, cultural and gender justice.

The dispute is the last one that suffers from the movie: French Outer Jacques Audiard was under fire call Spanish “poor and migrants” And not to explore Mexico’s history before filming, about the Mexican Boss Kartel, who seeks to retire and pass. Movie – Leading pack with 13 nods on an Oscar – While the expensive criticism and rewards as a body is deeply unpopular in Mexico, where it is A screen adaptation on empty theaters and even suggested a short -filmed movie called “Johann Sacrebs”, The French movie provided by the French, made completely without French acting or crew. ”