
The former SJP Paraplaner complains of lack of pension advice

The former SJP Paraplaner complains of lack of pension advice

The former paraplaner, who claims that he was not given any advice on his retirement transfer, awaits more than nine months for his complaint to be considered by the place of St. Dzhems.

Mr K (who does not want to be named) joins the SJP partnership company in May 2016 as a paraplane.

He was new in the industry, and shortly after the entry, he said that he was provided with some information on how SJP funds were performed compared to the funds in which his pension was invested.

According to Mr K, he was told that it is better to transfer a pension in SJP.

“In no case I did not give any advice, and I did not receive any constant advice. In fact, I actually had to explore and carry out my own fund switches, ”said Mr. K.