
Aubrey Plaza deleted Instagram after husband Jeff Baena’s death

Aubrey Plaza deleted Instagram after husband Jeff Baena’s death

Aubrey Plaza seems to have deleted her Instagram account after that death of husband Jeff Baena.

Although the White Lotus actor’s account was previously active a few days ago, a message on Plaza page now it reads “Sorry, this page is not available. The link you followed may not be working, or the page may have been removed.”

Earlier this month, Baena, a screenwriter and director, died by suicide at age 47 on Jan. 3, according to the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner.

Plaza and Baena have been linked since 2011. In 2021, the Parks and Recreation star revealed that the couple got married Instagram post.

Plaza has starred in several films directed by Baen over the years, including 2014’s Life After Beth, 2017’s The Small Hours, and 2022’s Spin Me Around.

Last week, Plaza addressed Bayena’s death joint statement with family on January 6.

“This is an incredible tragedy. We are deeply grateful to everyone who provided support,” the message reads. “Please respect our privacy during this time.”

Appearing on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show» in December 2021, she recalled how she and Bayena decided to get married.

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“During the (pandemic) of COVID, a lot happened for me. Yes, we got married. Big deal,” Plaza joked to DeGeneres. “One evening we got a little bored. We got married and I’ll tell you how: It’s true, look.”

If you or someone you know needs help, call, send SMS to 988 or chat to support mental health. In addition, you can find local mental health and crisis resources at Outside the US visit International Association for Suicide Prevention.