
Murder suspect caught with drug paraphernalia in Tierras

Murder suspect caught with drug paraphernalia in Tierras

TIERAS, NM (KRQE) – A man has been charged with manslaughter after a crash in Tierras in March. State police found drug paraphernalia in his truck and a dead body on the ground. Dashcam footage shows what he told police before being arrested.

New Mexico State Police (NMSP) stopped a crash on Highway 337 in Tierras on March 6, but one of the drivers was missing. The officer located the driver of the black truck, identified as Juan Nunez, walking toward the scene of the accident and arrested him.

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The other driver was ejected from the vehicle and died on the spot. When questioned, Nunez told police he thought he fell asleep.

During a search of his truck, NMSP found pipes and burned aluminum foil associated with drug use. After the officer noticed signs of intoxication in Nunez, they decided to question him again. Nunez told them he stopped before the fatal crash.

Nunez pleaded not guilty to vehicular homicide and hit-and-run homicide. He is currently under the supervision of investigative services. No court date has been set.

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