
The mother of a Launceston bus driver is calling for more safety measures after her son was attacked by teenagers

The mother of a Launceston bus driver is calling for more safety measures after her son was attacked by teenagers

A Launceston Metro bus driver was “injured” after being attacked with a broken glass bottle by two teenagers.

A man in his thirties was beaten on Friday night while he was carrying a Launceston to Mowbray flight.

Police say the driver asked the 16- and 17-year-old boys to leave the bus because they had been drinking and acting aggressively, but they refused and became aggressive.

Officers say the couple punched and kicked the driver and hit him in the eye with a bottle.

Bronnie Walsh is the mother of the injured bus driver. Image / 7 Tasmania

The driver’s mother, Bronnie Walsh, told 7 Tasmania her son was “concerned for the welfare of the family as he knows we are traumatised”.

“He has an 18-month-old daughter looking at a face that’s completely bruised,” she said.

The driver was beaten with hands, feet and a glass bottle. Image / Pulse

“How does he go back to work and still be the same smiling face he always is when people get on the bus?”

She advocates mandatory security guards on night bus routes and driver safety screens, saying drivers do not pass and should not be trained or equipped to deal with the level of threats and violence they face on the job.

Transport Minister Eric Abetz said more transit officers, first promised a year ago and started working in Hobart, were in the process of being trained.

“The extra screens and traffic officers are just an added cost to the Tasmanian taxpayer for this type of anti-social behaviour,” he said.

The attack happened a few days after the subway drivers secured a new corporate deal which includes “critical leave” to help drivers recover from serious incidents.