
Is the IRS Direct Information Program Active IRS Information Program? States where it is available despite Elon Mask’s warning

Is the IRS Direct Information Program Active IRS Information Program? States where it is available despite Elon Mask’s warning

For many years, politicians and policies have called on the process of taxes with the internal income service that simplified for US taxpayers. In a study published in 2022 could have there in the 1040s “pre-filled” IE filled with IRS sent to them for signing and returning to the agency without additional efforts by taxpayers. And it was a low level of researchers’ grades.

Some relief from the annual burden assigned to US taxpayers has been given IRS for a timely tax season. After receiving new funding through the inflation reduction law, adopted by Democrats in 2022, IRS made investments in improving a number of services for the average taxpayer, as well as hire more inspectors Go for wealthy tax rumors.

One of these investments was to create IRS DIRECT FILE, FREE TAX CONTRACT PROGRAMS PROVIDING A MEANDING Directorate on Federal Tax Retails Directly to AgencyNo mediator is needed. Despite the fact that only the share of taxpayers tried the pilot version, those who made were extremely positive about experience.

Currently, taxpayers in 25 states exceeding 12 out of 2024 will be able to use a light and free system, Even after Elon Musk said he had “removed” the agency behind it. A Billionaire Technology, which has donated more than $ 250 million campaign Trump by buying his own non -governmental position in the new administration, Upcaused confusion with his Publish on X About whether the IRS direct file will be to accept tax returns 2024.

And service and staff in 18fA government agency that has been working on straight files and other technological projects is still working. It seems that Musk has only “removed” groups of groups on X.

Whether the program will be available next year. More than two dozen Republicans The Congress insists that Trump eliminates the program using executive order. Companies that offer tax services by earning billions in the process have spent millions of lobbying for free service.

States where US tax filing can use a direct IRS file

Despite the fact that only the share of files used an online tool in 12 countries that participated in the pilot program of 2024, the answer was extremely positive. 90% of the surveyed rated the system ”Excellent or above average“.

The IRS announced last spring that it is making the program permanent and that it will work with all the countries who want partnership to make it accessible to its residents. For the tax season, 2025 Americans in 25 states can use a direct IRS file to file a 2024 tax return. These include:

Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Mazas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New -Gampshire, New Jersey, New -Mexico, New -York, North Karolina , Tennessi, Texas, Texas, Texas, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin, Weyoming

If you live in one of these states and want to see if there is a direct IRS file for you a good option, Check the agency “I have the right to use a straight file?” Web portal.

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