
A man charged with a SUV with two children inside in the northwest Miami Dade

A man charged with a SUV with two children inside in the northwest Miami Dade

Miami Dade County, Florida. -Petuts arrested an 18-year-old man accused Steal SUV with two kids inside In the northwest Miami Dade last month, the authorities confirmed on Tuesday.

Sheriff Miami-Daida’s Office stated that Casola-Martinez was taken into custody on Monday due to the incident on January 22, which led to a general search for a suspect and stolen SUV.

The authorities said the mother of children had left her White 2022 Mitsubishi Outlander for a long time, running and unlocking her Mc Cargo Express at 7168 NW 50th St., when Kasola Martinez jumped for a driver’s seat and retreated.

According to the deputies, the victim has just collected the delivery of 175 iPhone 13s, which is estimated at $ 77,875, from Cargo Union at 8019 NW 68th St. St. With two children still inside.

The warning was published immediately, and officers of the Virginia Gardens Department were posted by the SUV at the intersection of North-West 47th Street and 74th Avenue, approximately a mile from the initial crime.

Investigators said two children of the 2-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl were found inside the intact and reunited with their mother, but there is no box of iPhones.

Mc Cargo Express Sightseeing Shows showed the silver Hyundai Palisade after the victim’s SUV before theft, according to the message.

Detectives stated that additional videos from the same cargo business showed that the same Hyundai, which rises at the moments of Mitsubishi Outlander, before the theft happened.

According to the authorities, Kasola Martinez was noticed that the Hyundai rear passenger seat was running and ran to the victim’s vehicle before going with him.

Investigators stated that Hyundai Palisade was traced to rent through Turo, an Internet application for car exchange.

The lease agreement was called Jose John Ledre Rodriguez, but payments were shown that Casola-Martinez used his own credit card to book the vehicle from January 17 to January 23.

Deputies confirmed that the tracking data from the GPS rental of the vehicle confirmed its presence in all key places related to the crime, including Union Cargo, MC Cargo Express, and at the place where the SUV was stolen

On February 3, conducting an unrelated investigation of the car, MDSO detectives stated that they noticed Casola-Martinez, who controlled the White Mercedes-Benz near the North-Western 87th Avenue, paid traffic and arrested it without incidents.

The search of his car was found by black boots and gloves that are observed in the personnel of the crime on January 22, the deputies said.

After his arrest, investigators stated that Kasola Martinez was transported to MDSO Middle West for interrogation.

The authorities said that after reading their rights, Miranda Casol-Martinez recognized their involvement in the crime, although the details of his statement were edited from a publicly published report.

Talking to local 10 news last month, MDSO Detective Angel Rodriguez stressed the importance of never leaving vehicles and unattended, especially when children are inside.

“It is extremely important to never leave your car without supervision with the engine, and especially if you have children in the car,” he said.

The authorities call for anyone who has additional information about this case to contact Miami-Deine T-trials at 305-471-8477.

Prison records show that Casola-Martinez faces two kidnapping points, and one of the large theft of the second degree and a grand vehicle theft.

As of Tuesday, it is kept at Turner’s Correctional Center, where his connection is “established”.

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