
Former Seaugert police officer pleads guilty of misconduct, allegations

Former Seaugert police officer pleads guilty of misconduct, allegations

Kingstone, New -York (News10) – Former police Saugertis pleaded guilty on charges of crimes committed in 2020 and 2021 during his stay as an officer. On Monday, Dion Johnson, 35, from Newburg, confessed that he had illegally joined the woman’s house and pursued two Koleg women.

In October, Johnson was accused of great jury for sexual abuse and accusation. According to the district prosecutor’s office, Olster, during his police officer, he allegedly pursued and pursued a person leading to a sexual attack in 2020, and then engaged in further sexual harassment in the workplace while in uniform.

In October, he was detained at an indictment of 11 accounts. He was accused of:

  • The robbery in the second degree, the crime of class C
  • Abuse Sexual Abuse of First Degree, Class D Crime
  • Crime
  • Two accounts of violent touch (intimate parts)
  • Two items of official misconduct
  • Handing
  • Persecution
  • Two points of harassment with physical behavior

Johnson pleaded guilty of a criminal crime, official misconduct and two circumstances of claims against colleagues -Police, reports the district prosecutor’s office of Olster County. All other accusations against him were rejected.

In court on Monday, Johnson confessed that in August 2020, in August 2020, there was undesirable sexual contact with a woman and confessed that he returned to his home the next day and illegally entered him. He also confessed that he pursued two colleagues while at work in 2020 and 2021.

Johnson is planned to be sentenced on April 11. The case is criminally liable to the district prosecutor Emmanuel K. Nneszi and S. Ahmed; Johnson represents Joey Drillings from the office of a public defender of the district of Olster.

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